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Pointing work

Posted by Daryl Richards, on
We need some pointing work done following a leak in house I've advertised a few times on the website but no one shows any interest, do you think I am doing something wrong

Jesse Clarke

yes your advertising more than once. tradesmen have to pay for these job leads and wont bother if theres going to be multitudes of people going for it.
Danny Allen

Danny Allen

try putting lowest budget so tradesman don't pay to much for lead there are a lot of messers that use this site lower the budget more likely to get response will then be quoted the going rate from trades
David Halliday

David Halliday

Hi Dayrl, It's not your doing anything wrong. Try increasing the budget and also providing as much information as possible e.x what is that you want pointed is it brick is it stone? Does it need scaffolding? Even the rough dimensions if you can. The more information that you post the more chance you will have of a tradesman contact you. When we look at job leads we have to pay for the opportunity so if we think that the budget is unrealistic and that the work cannot be done for it then there is less chance that we would purchase the may also find that at this time of year most contractors are busy so are less likely to purchase your job ad they would be unable to carry out till later in the year. Good luck with your project. Dave

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