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Concerned at why I can't delete my advertisement, the job is taken.

Posted by A Dowse, on
Why can I not delete my advert? Why has your team not responded to my email enquiry, following my asking how I delete the advert? Why do you not have a telephone number so I may contact you? Why would you make it difficult to delete advertisements, when people are paying to buy the job, even though it has already gone?
Dalton Thompson

Dalton Thompson

Hi, To take down your job posting, log in to your account and select ‘My jobs’ from the main navigation. Click the job you don’t wish to advertise any longer and then click the ‘Cancel job’ button. To cancel your job advertisement using the Homes mobile app, launch the app and select ‘My jobs’ from the main navigation. Click the job you don’t wish to advertise any longer and then hit the ‘Stop’ button. If the job is older than three days, three tradespeople have shown an interest or is already withdrawn, the option to cancel the job will be greyed out/not there. Thanks, Josh Ask an expert team

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