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what way should lining paper be hung horizontally or vertically?

Posted by annemarie smith, on
what way should lining paper be hung horizontally or vertically?

Richard Mckeown

Hi Anne Marie. If you are painting over the lining paper, then it can be hung either way. If you are papering over the top, horizontally is the correct way but is very time consuming. An alternative would be to hang vertically as with standard paper, but hang the paper over the top not on the same joins so the butt joints do not meet
Keith Bennett

Keith Bennett

Hi Annemarie lining paper should be hung Vertically when you intend to paper over it. The reason for hanging vertically when papering over the top is so the butt edges of both layers of paper don't meet. If you are painting over the lining paper feel free to paper top to bottom or vertically Hope this helps Keith bennett
Tony Hutton

Tony Hutton

i think keith got confused but horizontal is the way to go that way if you ever feel like hanging paper on a feature wall you can
Phillip Vorster

Phillip Vorster

Hi Annemarie, As the previous 2 mentioned can be hung anyway if painting over and " cross lined" when papering over so as not to have the lines running in the same direction.
Keith Bennett

Keith Bennett

thanks tony just read my answer back and i did get vertical mixed up with horizontal so Annemarie i do apologise HORIZONTAL IS THE ANSWER

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