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Blocked stormpipe

Posted by sally corten, on
Over the last two years we have had periodic flooding with horrible dirty water up to 2 inches cumulating by the front door of our house. We've had the drain jetted twice and no blockage found, we've had Welsh water out who said they couldn't put a camera down because of its layout. yesterday they said they believed it is a communal 100mill storm pipe that is blocked - confirmed by doing a dye test. The private part of the drain about 2 feet has never been found blocked but they think fir trees in close proximity to the communal pipe must be causing the blockage and flooding. Can anyone tell me what action I need to take next ie what job needs to be done to identify the problem and implement a solution. Any advice much appreciated as those I've encountered so far just send me in circles Kind Regards, Sally
Thomas Hannah

Thomas Hannah

Hello Sally, Sounds like the drain has collapsed underground. You really need a camera inspection done. sometimes its difficult to get the camera down due to the set up of the pipework. It just means they need to do some actual work to get it down there. Kind regards, Thomas Hannah Hannah Plumbing

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