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Interlinked smoke detectors...

Posted by Rob Waghorn, on
Want to replace 7 smoke alarms in a 6 year old property..expensive job?
Cornelius Cretu

Cornelius Cretu

No more than £35 per point assuming that the wiring is correctly done. The operation involves replacing the old smoke detector's base with a new one and wire the new smoke detector.
wayne lewis

wayne lewis

Not really. Presuming that the original smokes are mains operated, then it should only be a case of replacing each unit. Half a day max.
Ainsley Dillon

Ainsley Dillon

Hi , as the lads have said below isn't a bad gauge on price and as the first response I only ever fit aico alarms simply because it's less hassle to all involved as they are the most reliable alarm on the market , there are many different alarms to choose from , ionisation for bedrooms , optical for hallways and lounge and heat alarms for kitchens , I would also recommend paying the extra and installing the ei16 range which has the rechargeable lithium battery rather than the 9v battery which you would need to change every 6 month at £4 a battery Hope this helps Dillon
Jamie Handley

Jamie Handley

For direct replacement including labour and materials you're looking in the region of £260 plus VAT for a reputable electrical company. Hope this helps
Bryan Winn

Bryan Winn

Hi,you never said if the smoke alarms are battery or hard wired? a decent smoke alarm wired through the mains(interconnected) are around £20/£30 x 7 plus labour

Alex Donbavand

Hi Smoke alarms vary in price and quality like everything else. I wouldn't recommend cheap anything (especially when safety is concerned) as its false economy. you mite be looking at 20-30 quid per alarm to buy and then fitting on top. Changing them should be straight forward as long as they are wired up correctly. Have a look here as these are good quality reliable alarms
Michael Tucker

Michael Tucker

Hello Rob, Welcome to this site. It should cost you about £300, but put your budget at £100 to get more interest Regards Michael.

arnaud wheeler

if the exisitng units are correctly wired and the circuit tests out ok, you shouldnt expect to pay more than £200, supplied and fitted.

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