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New boiler loosing pressure

Posted by Mark Gillies, on
I recently got a new boiler fitted to an existing heating system, the boiler slowly looses pressure over a week or so and the upstairs radiators constantly need bleeding, what's my best option to try and get this sorted?
Chris Jones

Chris Jones

Hi mark, you have leak somewhere that has to be sorted shouldn’t lose pressure then when sorted
Marian Cobuz

Marian Cobuz

Hello Mark, there are many things that could have happened when changed your boiler, especially if you switched from gravity traditional system to condensation boiler, the pressure is now greater and there could be more than one leak, slow leak(s) nevertheless. I'd suggest calling a plumber for a throughout inspection, perhaps with an infrared camera.
Stephen Edwards

Stephen Edwards

Sounds like a slow leak. On a number of occasions I've seen it coming from the pipework underneath the boiler, and on a decent number of those it's been on a compression fitting (just needs tightening). Also, it may be worth running your hands underneath both valves on all radiators. Again, it could be a simple case of tightening a nut if you have a slow leak... if this is say, in a bathroom on a tiled / lino floor, it can easily missed / dismissed as water from your feet when stepping out of the bath / shower. If you're unsure, though, always get someone in to scope it out for you.

Colin Lally

Hi mark by the sounds of things there is a small leak on the system most likely downstairs under the floor it’s probably been caused when working on the system they can sometimes be cured with leak sealer depending on size or alternatively pipe work located and replaced

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