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Radiator only luke warm

Posted by Robert Pilkington, on
I have a pressurised heating system. One radiator only ever gets luke warm, no matter if I shut all other radiators off, and open both radiator valves fully. I have taken the radiator off, and flushed it with a hose pipe, during which the water freely flows through the radiator.. With the radiator off, when I open the inlet valve i.e. incoming hot water (into a bottle) the hot water flows freely under pressure as expected. When I open the outlet valve only a dribble comes out... I would have thought with it being a pressurised system water would be forced out of the outlet valve? Needless to say, when I replaced the radiator it filled up initially with hot water, but the outlet pipe only gets luke warm, and the radiator then cools again to luke warm... How can I resolve this?
Peter Howell

Peter Howell

Hi Robert I sounds like there is a problem with one of the rad vales probably the best solution would be to replace the valve with this type of system this should be a pretty straight forward job from the work that you say you have already carried out you could probably undertake the work yourself if not then get a plumber in

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