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Builder missing - house half unusable

Posted by Ali , on
We had a builder previously in who did our bathroom - then a year later our kitchen. We were happy with both - following the kitchen, a series of works were to be done - such as various plastering, new floors, rooms closed up, radiators replaced etc. etc. We paid half upfront. I always pay in a very timely manner. They pulled up the floors in mid December - due to timing constraints of getting a skip. Our builder said he was going on holidays in early Jan - fair enough, everyone in entitled to one. He said the young guy who works for him would continue the works whilst he was away. When the guy came - he told us he hadn't been told to do anything besides plaster - and also the main builder had not paid him yet. I get an email from our main builder asking could I give the young guy £800 cash - as he had forgot to sort him out before he left. My Dad is a builder & I was on very good/friendly terms with the main builder - so I obliged. 3 weeks past and no progress after the plastering and no sign of the main builder. We're ringing, emailing, texting. Eventually, we get one email. They had sporadically decided to extend their holiday without telling me & he will be over next week. No specifics of dates/times. The next week passes and nothing. Ringing, emailing, texting again. Eventually - two weeks after last contact, we get a text. He's broken up from his wife and having lots of personal difficulty - he will be over from next Weds. We say we are sorry for his troubles - but currently half our house is uninhabitable. And we are getting married in 5 weeks - as he knows. Following week comes - no sign again. We now have no downstairs floors for 2 months, he removed a radiator and didn't replace it. Walls are half plastered. No skirting boards. We've paid half upfront - as well as then another £800 cash. We were on excellent terms with the builder. We don't know what to do. We could take him to court - but you can't take something off someone who has nothing?! Any advice would help

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