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Water leaking down a chimney breast

Posted by Andrew Gould, on
Hi, I have spotted water leaking through the ceiling and down a chimney breast in an upstairs bedroom. It's quite minor currently inside the room. I have found an area in the loft, around the breast, where water is seeping through and collecting in the insulation. Is this likely to be a flashing/mortar problem? Is it like to be an expensive repair?
Michael Tucker

Michael Tucker

Hello Andrew, It could be mortar or the flashing, I would suggest you set a budget of £250 The service in getting advice/survey is free and you should get 3 tradesmen to quote so you should use it. Tradesmen pay for the opportunity to quote on your job. It is important to give tradesmen contacting you the opportunity to do so, the advice you receive is free. You are not obliged to use any of them. Regards Michael
Wayne Beattie

Wayne Beattie

hi andrew if you have got a tile crease around chimney then that would of cracked which is why its leaking you will need a lead flashing installed depending on the size of the chimney and type of tile i would allow upto 500 pounds to do the job correctly so it lasts.
adrian martin

adrian martin

hi Andrew,it seems like the flashing around the chimney and possibly the felt around the stack it self ] normally rots of after 10 years or so ,price depends on how easy is it to get to the chimney and how high the building is thanks ady

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