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Cost of replacing roof felt?

Posted by Laura , on
Had a survey done on a house I am buying which came back saying that the felt in the loft is in very poor condition. There is a photo in the report with what looks like lots of holes in the felt where you can see straight through to the roof tiles. My question as a first time buyer is how serious of an issue is this and what are the potential costs for repairing/replacing the felt? Thanks
BRYAN Dimmick

BRYAN Dimmick

If you ever have any broken roof tiles with damaged under felt then its possible you can have a really bad leak. There are still many roofs in the UK without any under felt but the same applies,you will have an unforgiving leak if any tiles/slates are badly damaged. Surveyors will strongly advise to replace the damaged under felt with a new breathable membrane. This does require a full scaffold,all.of the existing roof tiles to be removed,remove all of the tile/slate battens and any hip/ridge tiles first. So this is an expensive process,perhaps look for a property with a roof in a better condition,and or get some local roofers in to advise. If you are in the process of purchasing you can see if the current owners will adjust the house price to cover any necessary costs. Thankyou, BCD Roofing Southampton

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