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Why you should look into switching van insurance policies

Once you’ve secured a good van insurance policy, you might be tempted to stick with it to avoid extra admin work. However, taking that approach could lose you money! Research done in February 2021 by Compare the Market and Consumer Intelligence has found that 50% of customers could save up to £256.41 on average, just by looking into switching van insurance policies.

Discover 5 more reasons why you should consider changing your van insurance policy, below.

1. You might need more cover as your business grows

Two tradesmen standing near white van

If you’ve taken on more work or new employees since you first got your insurance policy, then you might need to make some changes, such as:

  • Adding additional drivers. This is something to consider carefully. Adding an apprentice aged under 25 to your policy will likely push up your premium. On the other hand, adding a named driver with a clean licence could make it cheaper.
  • Amending your van contents cover. If you’ve got new tools, make sure they’re covered against loss, theft and damage in your policy.

2. It can be quick

Shopping around for van insurance doesn’t have to take up too much of your time. You can compare quotes from different providers in one place, using a comparison site like Compare the Market.

3. If you’ve made your van more secure, you might be able to get a cheaper deal

If you’ve followed the 10 essential tips to save money on your van insurance given by Dan Powell, managing editor of HonestJohn Vans, then you’ll have improved your van’s security by installing features such as an alarm, immobiliser and van branding. Some van insurance providers look on this favourably when it comes to quoting.

4. You can use a cheaper quote to haggle with your current van insurance provider

Tradesman using the phone in the office

Compare the quotes you get from different van insurance providers to your current policy. If any of them are better, but you’d like to stay with your current provider, ring them and let them know that you’ve gotten a better quote elsewhere. You might be able to haggle a discount or extra benefits.

Remember, cheaper doesn’t always mean better. A cheap policy that doesn’t include extra benefits like breakdown cover could mean you’ll end up forking out more money to sort yourself out in an emergency.

5. Get a more accurate van insurance policy

Check any records you’ve got. If you overestimated your expected mileage with your current policy, you’re paying more than you need to! Give your exact mileage to your provider, or any provider that you’re getting a quote from, to ensure you’re not wasting money.

For more advice on running a van efficiently, visit our Trade Advice Centre:

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