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Tradesperson spotlight

The tradesperson spotlight is where we’ll be regularly featuring one of our tradespeople in our newsletters and on It gives us a chance to celebrate great businesses and means we can give them some exposure to homeowners, and they can share insights for other tradespeople into how they use the platform to grow their business and why Rated People works for them.

Lee Gill is the Managing Director of TG Property Renovations, who specialise in extensions and full house renovations in Birmingham and the surrounding areas.

Profile shot of Lee Gill

Lee has been on Rated People for five years. Here’s a little about him and why Rated People works for TG Property Renovations.

How long have you been working in the trade and what made you get into it?

I’ve been in the construction trade for over 20 years. My brother and I both followed in our late father’s footsteps.

What made you give Rated People a try?

It’s a great route to market and it supplements our word of mouth recommendation work. Rated People has without a doubt helped me grow my business.

How do you use the platform and why does it work for you?

I mainly use the app, this enables me to manage leads and contacts whist I’m on the go. The ease of purchasing leads works a treat when you’re busy within your own daily business routines.

Would you recommend the service to other tradespeople, and if so why?

I absolutely would recommend Rated People. For a sensible cost you have a guaranteed route to market and lots of potential work to supplement your business.

Do you have any tips for other tradespeople on making a success out of a Rated People membership?

You must immediately try to contact the customer after purchasing the lead, whether a quick call, text, or using the app chat service, the quicker you act the easier it is to arrange an appointment to see them and start the ball rolling. I usually follow up every contact with an email.

Do you have any tips on how to approach homeowners who you’ve found online (with Rated People or otherwise)?

Speed and professionalism. Don’t wait days to contact them as they will have moved on and when you do contact them, be professional and stick to agreed appointment times.

Any other thoughts, positive or otherwise, that you’d like to share?

Depending on your membership, on joining Rated People you’ll be appointed an Account Manager, build a relationship with that person and this will help when you need support and guidance throughout the year.

Here’s a little of Lee’s team’s handy work, and check out some of the glowing reviews given to TG Property Renovations on their profile page now.

Shots of Lee's work in two kitchens

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