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Always know when a trades business is calling you

Did you know we have an app for homeowners? With our new in-app calling feature, it’s time to give it a try.

Homeowners and tradespeople can now speak on the phone without leaving the Rated People app. So, no more answering unknown calls, and you can now post your job, chat, and rate your tradesperson, all in one place.

Young woman receiving a call from a tradesperson on

Both homeowners and tradespeople can make and receive calls using wifi or mobile data, and you’ll always know when a Rated People tradesperson is calling.

We’re in the launch phase of in-app calling so not all of our tradespeople are using the feature. But don’t worry, if you make a call to a tradesperson who doesn’t have it yet, you’ll get the option to connect via a mobile call.

How it works

First things first, if you don’t have our homeowner app, download it now:

Google Play logo

App store logo

When a tradesperson calls

Most likely, the first time you use in-app calling will be to answer an incoming call from a tradesperson who wants to quote.

As long as you have the app on your phone and you’re logged in, all you have to do is answer the call. If you’re not logged in, or you’re not sure if you are, just open the app, tap ‘More’ in the bottom right hand corner, and if you see the option to Log in / register, that’s what you need to do.

Login screen of the Rated People homeowner app with the "More" option highlighted in the bottom right corner.
"More" screen of the Rated People homeowner app with the "Log in/Register" option highlighted.

Once you’ve posted a job with Rated People, whether you did it on the website or the app, head to ‘My jobs’ and you’ll see whether any tradespeople are interested in quoting. If there are, you can expect a call soon after.

Login screen of the Rated People homeowner app with the "My jobs" option highlighted on the bottom navigation bar.
"My jobs" screen of the Rated People homeowner app with "2 tradespeople want to quote" highlighted.

When they call, you’ll see that it’s a Rated People tradesperson calling.

Mobile phone on table with screen showing an incoming call from Exquisite Bathroom & Plumbing Ltd.

When you call a tradesperson

If you open ‘My jobs’ and see that a tradesperson wants to quote, and you’d like to speed up the process, just hit ‘Call’. A data call will be started but remember, if you make a call to a tradesperson who doesn’t have in-app calling yet you’ll get the option to connect via a mobile call.

"My jobs" screen of the Rated People homeowner app with "Call" button highlighted highlighted.

Download the app now:

Google Play logo

App store logo

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  1. I do not use android in this way and do not have a smart phone. Prefer for you to tell me someone will ring me. It looks too complicated for my old brain. I do not have any sound set (as this is how I prefer it) so, for example I cannot hear a video and I do not know how to use the phone i have on this device. I prefer simple. Which is to be told someone will telephone me. Thank you. Not sure where my comment is going as I do not use facebook so I am unable to fill in box website as I do not know what you require here. My comment is for

    1. Hi Mrs T M Wright, thanks for your feedback. If you don’t use our app, then our tradespeople will get in touch with you using the contact details that you provide when you post your job.

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