TradeTrade news

We’re on TV with the Perfect Score!

At Rated People, we know that your reputation is everything when it comes to getting new work. That’s why we’ve likened the performance of tradespeople like you with those of top sportspeople, in our first TV advert of 2021! Watch Chris the plumber receive a five-star customer rating, plus some more accolades, in our new TV ad below.

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Alongside getting refreshingly honest reviews and ratings from real customers, you’ll also get plenty of other benefits with a Rated People membership:

24/7 access to new work

There are no shortlists or waiting for customers to call you with Rated People. You’ll pay for the leads you want then and there with inclusive credit or cash, meaning you’ll have more control over when, where and how much you work. Read more about how our service works for tradespeople.

Your own profile page – it’s like a website, but without the hassle

Your profile is a one-stop shop for potential customers that want to find out more about you. It’s got in-built SEO features, so you’ll appear higher in Google searches. Plus, it’s easy to update.

An app with time-saving admin features

When your diary gets busy, doing admin work can easily slip over into your free time – which isn’t great for your work/life balance. Our Trades app helps you get through admin work faster, through features such as our Lead Tracker, invoice generator and more.

Our handy social sharing feature helps you get in front of potential customers with the click of a button, too.

Over 250 exclusive discounts

You’ll get exclusive discounts on both business and personal spending if you’re on an annual plan, through our Member Benefits Premium.

Cost-effective marketing for your business

You’ve seen our TV advert. But did you know that we reach homeowners around the UK through our radio, Google and social media advertising too? We’re no strangers to outdoor advertising either, and we’ve even gone viral! Our advertising helps bring over 50,000 customers to our platform for you, every month.

Want to find out more about what a Rated People membership could look like for you? Get in touch below.

Access 75,000 leads a month and build your reputation online.
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