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Share your ratings on social media

We’ve recently launched the Rated People social sharing feature – so when a homeowner leaves you a rating you can share it straight to social media. It’s a fast and effective way for your followers and potential customers to see the great job you’ve done!

We’re excited by this update because good ratings are the force that drives Rated People, and for you they’re key to making sure you’re chosen by homeowners. Did you know 84% of people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations? That’s huge! Through reviews and ratings, we want give homeowners the confidence that you’re a vetted, skilled tradesperson that comes recommended by their peers – relieving any concerns about whether to choose you for the job.

What are the other benefits?

Apart from helping to build your reputation online, the social sharing feature is also great for directing homeowners to your Rated People profile. With more profile views you’re likely to win more work.

With more homeowners visiting your profile, remember to keep your profile up to date with photos of all the jobs you’ve completed and details filled in. This will make you look professional and busy! Here’s our advice on how to update, manage and build your profile.

How does social sharing work?

Once you’ve completed your job, encourage the homeowner to leave you a review. Approximately 7 out of 10 people will leave a review for a business if they’re asked to, so explain why a review is so important to you and your business.

You can ask for a review through your Rated People account – the homeowner will receive an email asking them to kindly leave a rating. Once you’ve received your review, you’ll get an email letting you know your review is on your profile and ready to share. The email will have Facebook and Twitter share buttons, so you can click on those and share directly to both of these social media accounts.

We also contact homeowners to remind them how valuable it is to leave a rating every time a tradesperson has completed a job.

What next?

It’s simple – keep up the good work you’re doing and remember to get those ratings so you can share them!

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